Finally Updating!

Well, its been a long time since I updated, and I apologize. Have had quite a few things going on. I’ll give you the short list:

Gotta job working for the King of Cars. Gotta check out their website @ Totally worth it. My boss is Emperor Two-Step and Chop is the owner. Oh and Blue Genie is always around…
Anyway, the wife is doing well, tomorrow is 30 weeks, and the kiddo is kicking like mad. She’s supposed to keep count of how long it takes for 10 ‘movements’, and that if 10 movements don’t happen in 2 hours you should be worried. Well the boy takes about 2 minutes. He’s active as can be.
I’m still running with my buddy Tobeyone Kenobi []. Did 10 miles last Sunday and will do 4 tomorrow morning followed by 11 on Sunday. Pretty crazy.
We got ourselves a house to live in. Due to some job insecurity, we are renting for the time being. Its in a pretty sweet neighborhood. Last weekend after work, I went out for a run, and when I got back I was waved over to some guys chilling in their driveway. Pretty soon about 25 guys were out there just hanging out. Apparently, ‘that’s how we do on T-ville’. You don’t even know how stoked I am to hang out with them.
Job front is still hazy. Trying to figure out what the plan should be. The wife had a call back today, so that’s pretty awesome. I have about 5 live resumes out currently, but no luck. Its really dry out here.
As for Verve, things are coming together. We are close to finishing up a rental agreement for a huge space that is about 5 mins away from my house. Also this month we will be starting our blockparties at random Vervian houses, one being ours! I’ll post more about this later.

That’s about all. If there are more specifics, I’ll post it up. Thanks for following along!


Epp Family said...

Glad to see an update and hear things are moving along. Joel's family, Bryan & Peg Epp made it over last night and we had a great visit but missed you guys!